Computer for the Janakalyan Primary School

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A desktop computer was provided to the Shree Janakalyan Primary School to help support teaching and school administration.

Project details

  • Location : Shree Janakalyan Primary School, Lower Astam, Dhital VDC, Kaski District (GPS: 28.297119, 83.902407).
  • Population : Students: 35 | Teachers: 4 | Grade: 1 - 3 + pre-primary
  • Date : Dec 2013
  • Category : Computers,

In the areas where Logged On is working, there are a number of smaller schools that are seeking our help with providing computers. Most of the schools are primary schools and have around 10 to 80 students in total. It is difficult to provide computer facilities to these schools given the proximity to our Computer Centres, the number of students at the school, and the general lack of resources available to help sustain a computer lab.

However, we try and help when we can and provide a few computers for educational use. We find that even one computer for the school can be a big help for school administration and, given the age of the children, playing educational videos and animation during class. The additional educational resource that computers can provide have been a great tool for teachers.

We have a good relationship with the Shree Janakalyan School as it is the closest school to the Shree Bhumeshwor School, the site of our first project in Nepal. We have provided a number of scholarships to their students and placed Australian teachers at the school. Two of the teachers and the Principal also attended the Logged On Foundation – Microsoft Nepal digital literacy training course earlier in the year.

We provided a Dell desktop computer to the school along with a UPS battery backup power supply. The teachers at the Bhumeshwor School have agreed to provide support and digital educational material to Janakalyan.

School Principal and teachers of Janakalyan with our CEO, Mark Pinoli.

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