Astam Education Centre

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Creating a child friendly learning environment and providing technology for the classroom.

Project details

  • Location : Astam, Dhital VDC, Kaski District (GPS: 28.292931, 83.907624).
  • Institution : Shree Bhumeshwor Basic School (60 children).
  • Date : Dec 2017
  • Project : Refurbish classroom + smart TV for education.
  • Category : Educational Aids, Infrastructure,

We have had a long-term relationship with Shree Bhumeshwor having completed our first project in Nepal at the school in December 2011.

Over the last seven years, we have been able to provide upgrades to the computer centre we installed in 2011, place Australian educators at the school to help with teaching, and provided a variety of training programs and educational material support.

This year, we were able to secure special donor funding to improve facilities at the school in two areas:

1. Several of the teachers at the school attended a British Council training program in Kathmandu where they were introduced to a variety of pedagogical approaches as well as the use of appropriate technology in the classrooms. They made a request for a smart TV so they could source educational material on a USB drive for display on the TV. Our donors were happy to accept their request and a 55” TV was installed in the existing computer education centre building originally created by us.

2. During our visit to the school in November 2017, we found that there were significant improvements made to grade one to five classrooms to create a more child friendly environment. Children were completing work on one large table in collaboration with each other, rooms were painted and educational material and books were available within the classroom. One room that was seriously neglected however was the pre-primary class. We had the funding to provide new furniture and cushions, paint the walls with a fresh coat of paint and with letters of the alphabet, and to provide new carpet and cushions for seating. Our contribution was therefore to create a more friendly and comfortable space for the children to learn.


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